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9449 Brookpark Rd. Unit C, Parma, OH 44129
440-333-0040 Fax: 440-333-0104


9-6 EST M-F / 10-2 Sat

DVD Authoring Services

Every video/DVD project is unique; some require more work than others. The simplest, most inexpensive option is a real-time transfer to recordable media (i.e. DVD-R, miniDV). Many times, however, projects require basic editing, chapter markers, and/or menu-creation. These must be loaded into the computer for further processing. Some projects may require excessive editing, video-enhancement, and complex menus. This is why we offer 3 different levels of DVD authoring catering to different budgets and project needs.

When supplying us with the raw materials for authoring your project:
• Preferred file formats: miniDV,
dv (NTSC, 720 X 480, 29.97 fps, 16-bit/48 KHz audio)
• Alternate formats: VHS, S-VHS, VHS-C, Digital8, Hi-8, DVD, .wmv, .mpg, .avi, .swf, .mov, .ppt, .mp4, more. We can work with just about any file type. However, highly compressed digital formats are not recommended due to low quality playback issues, and some formats may require extra processing, thus extra charges.
• Digital tapes and DVDs free of excessive time-code breaks (Some consumer DVD-recorders introduce timecode breaks when recording starts and stops. Camcorders may, as well, if proper care isn’t taken when recording. These timecode breaks sometimes result in audio/visual glitches in addition to being more difficult to capture with our video equipment. Sources with excessive timecode breaks are subject to additional charges.)
• Please keep video assets under 2 hours, if possible, to avoid excessive compression artifacts.
• Tape-based sources should be cued to start time, with accurate stop time provided.
• Please provide accurate, documented DVD name and track titles, editing instructions, general menu description (if applicable), file-names, labelled sources.
•When having digital formats converted, specify desired destination file-format, resolution, size, framerate, codec, sampling rate, bit-depth, etc., as applicable

Past clients have included:
Jeffrey Paul, Paul Fayrewether, Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Rebath, National City Bank, Rip Smops, Starbringer, Kristine Jackson, Volumeline, UV, Koneval Insurance, Wigs for Kids, Lead Builders, local government and school districts, and many others.

Video editing software: Apple Final Cut HD and Express, Adobe Premier, Apple Quicktime Pro, Compressor, Motion, various conversion tools and filters/effects
DVD authoring software: Apple DVD Studio Pro, Roxio Toast

We are committed to delivering a ready-for-replication master that you, the client, are completely satisfied with. Our mastering and authoring processes take place solely in the digital domain, allowing for greater flexibilty in editing and enhancement. Please call Matt at 440-333-0040 for guidelines, formats preferences, and further info.

DVD Authoring
Stock #
Load-in Charge* .25 per minute
of program time
.25 per minute
of studio time
.25 per minute
of studio time
Menu generic preformatted custom
Arrange Titles no yes yes
Chapter Markers automatic minimal custom
(audio and/or video)
no no yes
(audio and/or video)
no no yes
Pricing $10.00 for
menu generation and encoding
$.75 per minute
of program material
$45.00 per hour
of studio time
Minimum Charge $11.00 $15.00 $15.00
Studio time is also available at $45.00 per hour for client attended sessions.

*Load-in is billed as actual time to load source material into computer. Some sources (such as video tape) need to load in at real time, while others (DVD) can be transferred more quickly. Minimun load-in charge is $1.00. Load-in charges are included in client attended mastering sessions.

All processes are subject to additional fees on a per-project basis.
No copy-protected sources, please.
"program material" is the total length of your project.
"studio time" is the actual time spent working on your project.

updated: 7-27-2012
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